Om vxelriktaren anvnds i fordonet r det ndvndigt att starta motorn varje gng fr att kunna anvnda vxelriktaren. Faktisk produkt kan skilja sig frn bilder. The inverter has been equipped with a number of necessary protections to protect the user and connected devices. motorer baserade p communtators, elverktyg. If we want to connect a selected appliance to the inverter, we need to check on the nameplate what power it consumes (if we want to connect several appliances, the power should be added). If you want to know more, please see the content, Copyright | All Rights Reserved. Something went wrong. Green Cell inverters have a replaceable fuse. The power taken by your devices should not exceed 85% of the inverter's rated power! vrmare, vattenkokare, LED lamp, smartphone, surfplatta, hgtalare. It has a key aspect, because it tells us how much and what equipment is able to supply electricity to. The converter is an excellent choice for people travelling by car, camcorder or truck - thanks to it, you can freely use all the necessary devices that need a socket to operate. This specific model is intented to be installed on current. Laptop Battery AA-PB9NC6B AA-PB9NS6B for Samsung.. Inverter is an excelent choice for everyone who travels by car, camper or a truck. This enables their trouble-free use in photovoltaic systems, which are slowly becoming an energy standard for, among others, households, boats and mobile homes powered by solar energy. Green Cell Inverter 12V till 230V 500W/1000W. I consent to the processing of my personal data by the company CSG SA with its registered office in Krakow (ul. Spend a little more and buy s pure sine one that works with everything. It is made of high quality aluminum, making it resistant to all mechanical damage and shock during travel. If you agree to this, please leave phone number or e-mail address. For example, for a laptop with 100 W and a heater with 300 W, an inverter with 500 W and more is suitable. This is confirmed by the CE and RoHS certificates, which mean a guarantee of safety. For example, for a laptop that consumes 100W of power and a fridge that consumes 300W, the appropriate inverter will be 500W and larger. Vxelriktarhuset kan bli mycket varmt och temperaturen kan n upp till 60C under hg effekt. ` rd frg - batteriladdning (laddstrm max 10A); ingen bakgrundsbelysning/vit bakgrundsbelysning - ingen 230V strmfrsrjning, vxelriktaren har ingen strmfrsrjning. mit einer Reihe von notwendigen a number of necessary safety precautions to protect the user and the connected devices. Choosing an inverter with a pure (a.k.a. Laptop Battery AA-PB9NC6B AA-PB9NS6B for Samsung.. Kabel USB-C Type C 1,2m LED Green Cell Ray.. Det finns ocks en kabel p frontpanelen fr att ansluta vxelriktaren till elntet. OBS: Kom ihg att tillmpa skerhetsreglerna frn fregende del av denna handbok. Using this solution, you can use any device while on the road, wherever you go. energenie 12 V bilstrmvxelriktare, 500 W Anvndarmanual Modell: EG-PWC-033 Funktioner Ingng: 11-15 VDC (bilcigarett Ls mer om denna manual och ladda ner PDF: Moto G8 Power User Manual - Optimerad PDF Moto G8 Craftsman Inverter Generator CMXGIAC3000 Anvndarmanual - Original PDF, 8750W brbar invertergenerator anvndarhandbok - optimerad PDF 8750W brbar invertergenerator anvndarhandbok - original PDF, E-postadressen publiceras inte. The device delivers power in form of a pure sine wave, which enables the use of ANY kind of device. Thanks to the highest-quality materials and a perfect fit with the housing,ensures uncompromising silence with consistently high performance. The unit has been designed to be as convenient as possible to use. Chosen by thousands of clients from more than 37 countries, Green Cell AGM 12V 9Ah VRLA Battery Gel deep cycle UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply energy backup system, Green Cell Car Power Inverter Converter 12V to 230V 3000W/6000W. For example, for a laptop that consumes 100W of power and a fridge that consumes 300W, the appropriate inverter will be 500W and larger. Uppmrksamhet: ven om vxelriktaren r utrustad i skyddsfunktionen mot vervolymtage, det finns fortfarande mjlighet att skada enheten om ingngen voltage verstiger voltage p 16V eller 32V. the voltage of our battery, which should fully match the voltage indicated on the inverter. It is made of high-quality aluminium, so it is resistant to all mechanical damage and shocks during travel. us how much and which appliances are able to supply power. Vra inverters levererar hg kvalit och lng livslngd.
Flkten startar bara om temperaturen stiger eller om enheten arbetar under hg effektbelastning. Sedan kontrollerar vi att vra villkor fr prismatch r uppfyllda och korrigerar priset s att vi bara drar av det belopp du har angett. After the voltage has been selected, you must decide which inverter power will be appropriate informs us how much and which appliances are able to supply power. Kalwaryjska 33, 30-509 Krakow, Polen. Dessa laddare har varningsetiketter som indikerar farlig voltages p terminalerna. Something went wrong. The power consumed by your device should not exceed 85% of the inverter's rated power! The first parameter to determine is the voltage of our battery, which should fully match the voltage indicated on the inverter. Using this solution, you can use any device while on the road, wherever you go. Power inverter UPS Green Cell med ren sinusvg, 12V-230V, effekt 300W / 600W. Vi rekommenderar att du anvnder batterier avsedda fr cyklisk drift. the voltage of our battery, which should fully match the voltage indicated on the inverter. After the voltage has been selected, you must decide which inverter power will be appropriate informs us how much and which appliances are able to supply power. Thanks to the highest-quality materials and a perfect fit with the housing,ensures uncompromising silence with consistently high performance. Den grna LED -lampan indikerar omformarens korrekta driftsstatus och den aktuella transmissionen. Chosen by thousands of clients from more than 37 countries, Green Cell GC VitalCharger AA and AAA charger + 4x AA 2000mAh NiMH batteries, Green Cell AGM 12V 9Ah VRLA Battery Gel deep cycle UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply energy backup system, Green Cell Car Power Inverter Converter 24V to 230V 3000W/6000W Pure sine. It is made of high quality aluminum, making it resistant to all mechanical damage and shock during travel. Anvndarhandbcker frenklade.hemPrivatlivTillbaka, Hem Grn cell Green Cell Power Inverter anvndarmanual. A converter, also called an inverter, is a device whose task is to change the DC voltage from the battery or lighter sockets for AC ~230V.. An inverter with such a signal allows you to power all devices, even the most sensitive to current parameters. Inverter frn Green Cell 12V - 230V p 500W, peak p 1000W. Exactly the same signal is in every power plug (Type F) in Europe. Looking for a converter, pay attention to parameters such as voltage [V] and power [W]. This enables their trouble-free use in photovoltaic systems, which are slowly becoming an energy standard for, among others, households, boats and mobile homes powered by solar energy. The power taken by your devices should not exceed 85% of the inverter's rated power! Laptop Battery Green Cell SQU-1303 SQU-1309.. Green Cell E-bike Battery 36V 8Ah 288Wh.. Green Cell E-bike Battery 48V 15Ah 720Wh Down.. Green Cell PRO Car Power Inverter Converter 12V to 230V 500W/1000W Pure sine. you do not have to worry about the operation of the connected devices! Vxelriktaren kan sls p genom att trycka p strmbrytaren till lget "I". The device delivers power in form of a pure sine wave, which enables the use of ANY kind of device. Om effekten r hgre n 1800 W, anvnd verktyg fr att dra t skruven. Ls fljande anvndarmanual och spara den fr framtiden. The device has been designed for the highest comfort of using. Om du vill ansluta vxelriktaren till batteriet mste den rda terminalen (mrkt "+") anslutas till batteriet "plus" med den rda kabeln. Tack fr att du valde Green cell. This specific model is intented to be installed on current. Its replacement is very simple and should not cause any problems for anyone. Kalwaryjska 33, 30-509 Krakw, KRS: 0000714229) in order to receive commercial and marketing information from CSG SA, in particular newsletters, by e-mail to the address provided by me e-mail adrss. The whole thing is housed in a small but very robust case. This is crucial because choosing an inverter with the wrong input voltage or too little power will not allow our units to work. If we want to connect the selected device to the inverter, we need to check on the nameplate, what power it consumes (if you want to connect a more devices, the powers should be added up). The correct temperature of the unit is monitored by anintelligent fan, that automatically switches on when the operating temperature exceeds the permissible temperature. we would like to contact you. Obligatoriska flt r markerade *. Dessutom finns en USB -port som kan anvndas fr att ladda upp en smartphone eller annan enhet. luft schon 1 Stund im Wohnmobil :-). Registrerat varumrke.Alla rttigheter frbehllna. En omvandlare med UPS -funktion och ren sinusvg ger en konstant strmklla fr knsliga enheter under strmavbrott. Green Cell E-bike Battery 36V 11Ah 396Wh.. Green Cell E-bike Battery 24V 10.4Ah 250Wh Frog.. Green Cell E-bike Battery 36V 10.4Ah 374Wh Rear.. Green Cell E-bike Battery 48V 11.6Ah 557Wh.. Green Cell E-bike Battery 48V 13Ah 624Wh Down.. Green Cell Battery (3Ah 12V) 70E 75 80 D80.. Green Cell E-bike Battery 48V 17.4Ah 835Wh.. GreenCell AGM 12V 110Ah VRLA Battery Gel deep.. Solar Charger Green Cell GC SolarCharge 21W -.. The power consumed by your device should not exceed 85% of the inverter's rated power! This is crucial because the choice of a converter with a bad input voltage or too low power will not allow our devices to work. It also has a USB port, a fan ensuring proper cooling of the device, resistant to all mechanical damage and shock during travel, voltage of our battery, which should be fully compatible with that given on the inverter, it tells us how much and what equipment is able to supply electricity to. Battery Green Cell A1445 for Apple iPad Mini.. Green Cell AGM 12V 100Ah VRLA Battery Gel deep.. Green Cell AGM 12V 12Ah VRLA Battery Gel deep.. Green Cell E-bike Battery 36V 7.8Ah 281Wh Frame.. This is confirmed by CE and RoHS certificates that guarantee safety.Green Cell inverters have a replaceable fuse, which provides the necessary protection for the inverter and connected equipment. Den svarta terminalen (mrkt "-") mste anslutas till batteriets "minus" med den svarta kabeln. I want to receive commercial information, including newsletters, to the e-mail address provided. A converter, also called an inverter, is a device whose task is to change the DC voltage from the battery or lighter sockets for AC ~230V.. Hll borta frn barn. This website uses cookies and does not automatically collect any information, except for the data contained in these files (so-called "cookies").
The power consumed by your device should not exceed 85% of the inverter's rated power! Your data will be processed for the purpose of sending commercial information. brbara datorer och datorer - om det inte finns ngon aktiv PCF i strmfrsrjningen (ibland finns det problem med en stabil drift av strmfrsrjningen som kan surra, pipa eller verhettas); Enheter med en borstmotor (elverktyg med en given motor, till exempel en borrmaskin, slipmaskin, sg, sandmaskin - arbete, ven om de kan ha problem med hastighetsreglering); Tv: s- oftast fungerar det bra ven om de ibland tar upp ngra problem som visas i bilden och ljudet; Andra anordningar som inte krver en sinusformad volymvolymtage, t.ex. ett lgt batteri, en ljudsignal tnds ocks. This is confirmed by the CE and RoHS certificates, which mean a guarantee of safety. Anslutna enheter fungerar inte och den grna strmindikatorn tnds inte. Vxelriktaren utan UPS -funktion br endast anslutas till det kraftsystem dr batteriet sitter. Knn dig sker med en inverter frn Green Cell. Bertta var i formulret nedan och gr din bestllning. The most common voltage value is 12V, occurring in cars, campers and some trucks, and 24V, mainly used in lorries. This website uses cookies and does not automatically collect any information, except for the data contained in these files (so-called "cookies"). Made of the highest quality materials and perfectly matched to the frame, it ensures uncompromising silence and high performance at the same time. Om ett felaktigt batteriladdningssystem orsakar en farligt hg volymtagEfter en verspnning stngs omriktaren av. Omvandlare med modifierad sinus r utformade fr mindre krvande enheter som: VARNING: Vi rekommenderar inte att du anvnder vxelriktare med medicinsk utrustning! Excellent Pure sine wave inverter. Chosen by thousands of clients from more than 37 countries, Green Cell E-bike Battery 24V 10.4Ah 250Wh Silverfish Ebike 2 Pin for Prophete, Mifa with Charger, Green Cell Car Power Inverter Converter 12V to 230V 3000W/6000W, Green Cell GC VitalCharger Ni-MH AA and AAA battery charger with Micro USB and USB-C port. The inverter has been equipped with a number of necessary protections to protect the user and connected devices. It will be perfect in places without direct access to power plugs. Ngra anvndningsomrden fr en inverter kan vara i en husvagn / husbil / bt eller en kombination med batteribank med solceller. If we want to connect a selected appliance to the inverter, we need to check on the nameplate what power it consumes (if we want to connect several appliances, the power should be added). Please try again later. Produkterna frbttras stndigt vilket pverkar deras utseende. Garantiservice:Grn cellul. Our Green Cell power inverters are devices, that alter the current 12V DC from a car socket to 230V. Kalwaryjska 33, 30-509 Krakw, KRS: 0000714229) in order to receive commercial and marketing information from CSG SA, in particular newsletters, by e-mail to the address provided by me e-mail adrss. Something went wrong. Kalwaryjska 33, 30-509 Krakw, KRS: 0000714229) in order to receive commercial and marketing information from CSG SA, in particular newsletters, by e-mail to the address provided by me e-mail adrss. The power taken by your devices should not exceed 85% of the inverter's rated power! VARNING! Inverter is an excelent choice for everyone who travels by car, camper or a truck. CO -motorpump, kylskp med generator, luftkonditionering, smnad maskin, mikrovgsugn, kaffebryggare, frys).
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